Wednesday, January 6, 2010

DJ Hero

How was every ones holidays?? great i hope!
like I've said in the past im not normally a video playing kinda gal and i normally only hear things about games from my Friends( who are guys). i got this idea to talk about DJ HERO from a tweet i got about !) minutes ago from a friend who got it for Christmas and loves it. you know it.. article time!

"Well it looks as if this one has let slip way before Activision intended to make it public. Well respected DJ David Guetta has revealed in a recent interview that a sequel to DJ Hero is indeed on the way.
As reported from Eurogamer, David Guetta wasted no time in explaining how he ‘is going to work on number two’, while also adding that the game is ‘too difficult’ for him on maximum level.

We cant say that this isnt a surprise, given the popularity that the first game has, despite the rather high price tag. What this could mean though, is that gamers could see a reduction to the existing price of the original game and peripheral, which would be most welcome.

Let us know your thoughts on a sequel to DJ Hero 2. What ideas would you have for the game?"

Original Article.'
Category: Video & Sound Cards
Featured product on Bayho: Geforce 8400GS 256MB Heatsink

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