Tuesday, January 26, 2010

BioWare’s Mass Effect 2 Hits Stores in North America Today

good morning all!
how everyone had a great weekend, if not .. well there's always next weekend ha ;]
anyways.. video games have never been my speciality so i basically just google new releases.. if you happen to be a video expert and want to send me some tips or maybe websites or games. send them! would be much help. in the mean time.,.

biowares article.

Few games live up to the hype during the wait before release. If you were watching the NFL NFC Championship game on Sunday you saw the special 2 minute trailer for Mass Effect 2. The trailer looked fantastic and just added to the hype and the early reviews have been very high for the sequel. Mass Effect 2 is in stores everywhere in North America today for the Xbox 360 and the PC. The game will hit Europe and Australia by the end of the week. Featuring an all-star cast and amazing graphics Mass Effect 2 is certainly taking its place as the must have game of 2010. Remember those who buy the game new get free access to the ‘Cerberus Network’ BioWare’s new online server for DLC and news for Mass Effect 2. Also free is the first DLC add-on that allows gamers to take Commander Sheppard back to the Normandy crash site. For those wondering if you buy the game used you will need to buy access to the ‘Cerberus Network’ for a one time fee of 1200 MS points. Watch for my review in the next day or two of this fantastic game. I must say this is certainly a great title to kick off 2010!

original article.
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