Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wii Becomes Top Selling Video Game Console

When I heard on the news that Wii has become the top selling video game console, I wasn't suprise one bit. I first played the Wii a few holidays ago when my brother bought it home for the family to play. It was the most fun I had with my family that I can remember. I remember watching my parents put on the boxing gloves (literally) and then went at it. My mom, hunched over, taking wild, uncalculated swings at my dad. And my dad, poised, confident, stood his ground and successfully and calmly knocked her out. Not the fighting type? The Wii makes sure it has game fit for anyone and everyone. My brothers played a silly soccer game, while my sisters and I battled eachother at tennis.

It is no wonder that Wii sales has topped even the ever so popular xBOX 360, which went on the market a year before the Wii. The xBOX bought in sales of over 10 million, which gave its maker the confidence to say that it would be more popular than Wii or PS3. But continuing to be out of stock, the Wii proves to be the more popular one, and rightly so.

"As we have demonstrated this week during the E3 summit, Wii continues to pioneer new ways for people to interact with their video games and with one another," Nintendo marketing vice president Cammie Dunaway said in a statement. And interaction they have succeeded. Have you tried the Wii FIT? At about 129.97 for a starter bundle, you can begin your road to fitness and healthiness again. The Wii fit allows you to do yoga, strength exercises, and cardio! This may sound to good to be true, but reviews have proven that the Wii fit lives up to it's advertisments.
If you can get your hand on a Wii, I'd say it's an investment worth its money for health and fun!

Original article
Videogame accessories
Ultimate Action Pack Wii
Picture source

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