Saturday, February 14, 2009

Videogames Saving Livesa and Inspiring

A few years back, I heard about surgeons practicing their eye-hand coordination by playing videogames! I was happy to heard that videogames were receiving some positive light aside from their anti-social causing, minding-numbing affects on children. I recently found an article, although it dates back to 2008, is still positive news that I think is relevant to share. The article is from the SF Chronicle and is written by Bernadette Tansey and Ryan Kim, titled, Startup uses Videogames to Heal Young People.

The non profit organization, HopeLab of Redwood City, is hoping to use videogames as a "powerful means to improve the health habits of young people." The organization created a game called "Re-Mission." The goal was to motivated young cancer patients to stay on top of their medication. Now, the organization is fighting childhood obesity, by designing a game that will get children to actively play together. Serious Games Initative co-founder, Ben Swayer, says, "Re-Mission clinical trials proved that games can help tackle real-world problems." If you check out the game on the net, you'll be amazed at the graphics and creativity of the game.

You can go on the website and navigate the website. I think you'll be quite touched at the efforts of the game and closeness of the community on the website. You'll find a link to inspiring art and poetry. There's even a link to a complete story behind the game. It's worth checking out just to see the efforts being exerted to suppport cancer patients.

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SteelSeries Gaming Glove
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