Monday, March 8, 2010

Gof Of War 3

hi bloggers!
well this weekend was very relaxing for me, took some time to relax and sleep in haha but yeah hopefully your guys had a great weekend as well! anyways back to business.. as i have said time after time i hardly know about video games i only know what i hear from friends and what read about on google. or yahoo. so like always tips on news or certain games would be extremely helpful!
until then here's an article i found on god of war. sounds familiar so i might have already posted.. sorry if i have. other then that i don't know any other information on the game haha.

Kratos wants to do one thing: kill Zeus. It's the only goal that the "Ghost of Sparta" has in the entirety of God of War 3, and everything from the epic beginning moments to the final credits serves to make that happen. If you haven't played the first two games and you have a PlayStation 3, it's worth your time to pick them up and get up to speed on how our "hero" became what he is today. Also, don't skip on the PSP adventure Chains of Olympus.

You can't respect how something ends before you know how it began.

God of War 3 is the first game in the series built from the ground up for the PlayStation 3, and the team behind the title spared no detail; the game feels like it has been painted on your screen. Even the flashback sequences, using more traditional animation and a hyper-stylized look, add much to the game. It's a clever way of showing what came before without dealing with the graphics of the past.

This is one of the most anticipated titles in the history of the PlayStation 3. We've beaten it, and have had some time to think it over. Does the game live up to the hype?

Title God of War 3
Developer Santa Monica Studio
Publisher Sony
Price $59.99 Shop.ars
Platform PlayStation 3
The gameplay
God of War is a third-person action game with some light platforming; you view the action through a fixed camera. Not being able to adjust the view may continue to rub some gamers the wrong way, but it allows the director to set up the action in a way that wouldn't be possible with a player-controlled camera, and some puzzles and secrets depend on you looking in a certain direction at a certain time.

The weapons will also be familiar to fans of the previous games, although the specifics are new. Your blades slice and fly through the air, cutting down enemies as you collect the red orbs they drop to power up your attacks. You can chain attacks together into epic combos, which is the heart of the God of War series. Combat is a flowing, balletic dance of blood and destruction. Weaken enemies enough, and you can grab them and end their lives with a few predetermined button presses in a quick-time event. These finishing moves are always over the top and violent: expect to see heads ripped off, entrails spilled, and creatures killed with things that used to be attached to them.

Describing the game mechanics in these dry terms doesn't do much to communicate how playing this game feels. Kratos doesn't care about anything except exterminating the gods. Innocents are introduced in the game as nothing more than obstacles for you to do with what you will. Ignore them? Slaughter them? It's utterly meaningless. We're supposed to be on the side of Kratos, but rarely has gaming dealt with a hero so thoroughly dead inside.

At one point Kratos "rescues" a topless maiden, and rather brutally uses her to advance to the next section of the game. It's not that he does it, or how he does it, that's important: it's that there is absolutely no empathy or mercy left in his heart.

This is as hard as M-ratings get
The game is rated Mature, meaning it's aimed at gamers above the age of 17, and the back of the box lists the expected warnings about nudity and graphic violence. Still, those are just words on the back of a box on a store shelf. Sure, the game is violent, but how bad can it be?

If violence makes you queasy, or if you're a parent, be advised: this game is out there.

The camera doesn't blink when Kratos does his terrible things, and early in the game you'll watch a brutal beating in first person, getting a feel for what it's like to be bashed to death by someone's bare hands. The sequence ends... well, you know if you read our previous coverage. If you're trying to avoid spoilers, I'll leave it out of the review.

In another scene Kratos simply slams a new weapon into someone's head until it (the head, that is) looks like raw hamburger. The scene is simple, almost matter-of-fact: you're just watching someone get murdered. This is one of the rare games with sequences where I was tempted to turn away.

In other scenes, the game does a good job of having the player act out the process of slicing limbs off characters or forcibly removing their heads, leaving bloody stumps and viscera pooling on the ground. You're not just watching this; you're taking part in it. The new quick-time event system that puts the button prompt on the side of the screen makes it easier to follow the action... but you may not want to.

And this isn't even discussing the sexual content. We've passed the point where naked breasts in a game are shocking. God of War 3 doesn't shy away from nudity, and the sexual minigame included in this title... well, it goes a little further than we're used to from the past two games. There are M ratings, and then there are M ratings.

Even if you let your children play other Mature-rated games, this may be one you want to sit down and play with them, or wait a few years.

I talked with some friends about the level of violence in the game, and they agreed that the only issue here is that video gaming is a visual medium. The mythology of every culture is filled with violence and sex—you don't have to look past the Bible or Greek myth to find some pretty scary stuff. But in God of War, you aren't reading about these things, you're seeing them. In fact, the game goes out of its way to make it feel like you are doing them to your victims.

The goal of all this violence? It's not "saving the world for democracy" or rescuing a fair maiden or a lost child; it's sheer vengeful nihilism. While this attitude fits the setting and is there to tell a very specific story, it will turn off some gamers. Let that be a warning... or possibly an invitation.

original article.
category: Videogame Accessories
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