Monday, March 16, 2009

WII sports

hello everyone.. i hope all you guys had a great weekend, sadly its back to work now:/ haha. anyways this weekend i was playing wii sports with my little sister .. and you know what after playing for a certain amount of hours i came the the concluion that this is actually a really great workout.. cause okay your playing baseball and you throw the ball .. then you ca play tenis and hit the ball back and fourth.. then for the ultimate workout you have boxing! mannn oo mannn does thet get tiring after awhile. i kid you not the next day my arm was a little sore hahaha>

i really liked WII tho.. don't get me wrong Ive played before and all. but this time i think because i actually was really into the game and determined to win it was just overall more fun this time around.

well i suggest that if you have a wii or any of your friends do you play even if its just wii sports like i did.. because really .. its a good way to move around and keep entertained. believe me i was there playing for hours.. i realize this game came out like two years ago.. and like i have said before im not a big video game person.. but i like all wii games.. ohh and i love the mii's too hahahha.

original post.
Bayho/video game accessories.
bayho/wii controllers.

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