Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wii Fit? Does It Actually Work?

A few weeks back, I wrote a blog about the Wii Fit. I said that it appeared to be a really fun and effective way to work out. While I have never used the Wii Fit, my opinions were based on the workout that I obtained from playing other Wii games, such as boxing. A few days back, I saw a news article that now claims the Wii Fit may not be as helpful in losing weight as everyone claims. This claim was counter-attacked by a man, who claimed, the Wii Fit actually help him lose many pounds and changed his life. In an article on the OC Register, writer Matt Design, tried the Wii Fit for himself and said, "Yes. Within minutes of starting the strength-training program..I was sweating."

I guess with anything new, the media or the public, likes to scrutinize and create some kind of controversy just for fun. However, when it comes to fitness, you get as much of a work out as the effort you put in. Matt Design says he started with push ups and the program had him doing "side planks", where you turn and support your body with one hand. In my opinion, this sounds quite rigorous. The deep breathing exercises had him feeling calm and relaxed and the yoga poses had him stretching muscles he didn't even know he had!

Despite what the media may report, my opinion of the Wii Fit still stands. In an era where obesity and diabete occurrence are out of the roof, anything that can make exercise fun for anyone, is a step in the right direction. I don't think the Wii Fit should replace any exercise routine that you may already have. If you go jogging outside for 30 minutes, then by all means, keep at it! If you go to the gym weekly, then don't cancel your memembership for the Wii Fit! But if you're someone who maybe is a little more introvert or likes the indoors more, or maybe you need a more fun concept to motivate you to start working out and getting moving, then I think the Wii Fit is still a great solution.

Original Article
Videogame Accessories
Wii Balance Board Energy Pack
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